Lucinda Taylor Lea Learning, Teaching, and Innovative Technologies Center
Programs & Services
Faculty Fellows Program
– Dr. Erica Cirillo-McCarthy, Department of English & Director, The Margaret H. Ordoubadian University Writing Center, 2020-2021
I pride myself on seeking feedback from others so that I can continue to find ways to grow in all areas of my life. While I make time to solicit feedback from others, I have not taken enough time to slow down and complete my own self-analysis. The LT&ITC Faculty Fellows Program allowed me to step back from the constant waterfall of tasks, projects, and commitments associated with earning tenure to pick up some tools to help me gain a better perspective on what I am doing and ultimately what I want to do. – Dr. Keonte Coleman, School of Journalism and Strategic Media, 2020-2021
Now that I have finished the program, it is nice to look back and evaluate what I have gained. I have learned about the different types of support MTSU offers their faculty. I now feel confident moving forward to my mid-tenure review next year because I know where to focus my energy and how I am going to achieve my goals. This has truly been a great experience! – Tony Rodriguez, Art & Design, 2020-2021
Overall, my experience in the 2019-2020 LT&ITC’s Faculty Fellows program was fantastic. I really enjoyed the opportunity to have a formal program to assist in the transition to MTSU, the support of a knowledgeable, experienced, and willing team, and a flexible but solid structure of expectations and deliverable products. Throughout the course of the program, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of the administrative and academic structures at MTSU, the expectations of tenure-track faculty, and the opportunities for faculty development available on campus. I especially appreciated the flexibility of the program while at the same time having clearly defined requirements and goals. Most importantly, this program provided the support necessary to be able to produce both a Teaching Philosophy Statement as well as a Faculty Development Plan, with guidance and tailored feedback. Being in my first year as a tenure-track faculty member, making the time to create these products would have otherwise continued to fall down the priority list, but with the structure and support of the program, I was able to not only dedicate time to work on these important products, but also receive fast, valuable feedback to further develop my TPS and FDP. – Dr. Alan Campbell, World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, 2019-2020
I am very glad I participated in the Faculty Fellows Program. I expected very little and assumed it was an opportunity to check boxes, but I was pleasantly surprised. I found new resources for self-improvement and a way to connect across the University community. I am excited to continue the process and stay active. Thank you for designing and implementing this program. – Dr. Elizabeth Whalen, Health and Human Performance, 2019-2020
Before arriving at MTSU I had 12 years’ experience as a full-time faculty member and over 7 years’ experience as a program director. I’ve participated in many professional development workshops and have managed a few programs that required a great deal of preparation and coordination. All of this is to say that I come from a place of experience when I say that my experience with the LT&ITC in general, and with the Faculty Fellows program in particular, has been superb. Not only that, you all have convinced me that it’s possible to teach an old dog new tricks. – Dr. Jon DiCicco, Political Science and International Relations, 2019-2020
These opportunities to bolster my knowledge and thus my confidence have engendered a greater sense of both agency and connection to the university community. Open to contingent faculty, the program provides access to the synergy and collegiality that the LT&ITC facilitates. Participating in the program has also enabled me to claim responsibility for my professional development and to view my FTT appointment as an important stage in my career path. Finally, this effort to empower faculty to achieve their pedagogical and professional goals has an important philosophical component: The LT&ITC provides a space for teachers to teach teachers about teaching. This alliterative statement best encapsulates how the LT&ITC’s Faculty Fellows program has supported my belief that education should be a collaborative, democratizing process of teaching and learning. – Dr. Jennifer Pettit, History, 2019-2020
Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs)
If our questions and uncertainties are any basis for generalization, there remains a need at MTSU for consistent and effective professional mentoring, periodic progress reviews and support for formal faculty development plans. My participation in this FLC will help to make me a more effective mentor to junior faculty in my department. While I am already a veteran of college-level as well as departmental promotion and tenure review committees, my exposure to procedures and issues from other departments, thanks to this FLC, will assist me in future deliberations and policy recommendations.
– Dr. Michael Fleming, Department of Recording Industry, Mid-Career Faculty Development FLC, 2014-2015
I especially appreciate hearing the various perspectives and experiences from the different faculty members as we discuss ways to foster and build a true “learning community” at MTSU. We are all at different points and places in our careers, and this has greatly enriched our conversations. As our mission states, we should foster an environment conducive to learning and personal development, and I witness this in our meetings.
– Dr. Terri Tharp, Elementary and Special Education Department, Faculty Development Campus Civility FLC, 2012-2013
On a personal note, participation in the FLC has allowed me to focus on my own behavior with respect to civility. Although I did (and do) not believe I have an issue with incivility, it was revealing to realize that many seemingly innocuous behaviors may be considered uncivil by others. Worse yet, the offending behaviors are very likely to never be called to my attention, propagating the problem. It has been a richly rewarding year, to say the least. I am now far more conscious of the insidious ways that incivility can be expressed, and I take a more active role in controlling it.
– Dr. Tony Johnston, Agriculture Department, Faculty Development Campus Civility FLC, 2011-2012
Graduate Teaching Assistant Teaching Preparation Certificate Program
The GTA Teaching Certificate program is designed to provide Graduate Teaching Assistants with a structured experience that prepares them for classroom and laboratory teaching. The program allows you to develop and document your classroom teaching and teacher development activities and it provides you with several self-reflection and consultative feedback opportunities. It also provides several documents that can be included in your professional and teaching portfolio.
The Center provides a variety of ongoing services for MTSU faculty members. Consultations are confidential and customizable. Click below for more information, or contact us to request a consultation.
Syllabus & Course Design Consultation
Do you want to learn how to use your syllabus as a course and classroom management tool? Are you having trouble determining what information should be included to boost your students’ understanding of course learning outcomes? We can help!
Technology Consultation
We can help to develop a plan for successful integration of technology into your teaching. Our Instructional Design Specialist works with instructors to explore potential technologies and pedagogical modifications to support student learning.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
Do you have a teaching project where you can collect effectiveness or student evaluation data? Why not turn this into a manuscript and submit to a teaching or research journal in your field. We can help you with this process!
Faculty Development Planning and Consultation
Private, confidential consulting for faculty interested in working on a formal development plan for teaching, research, and service activities; also, consulting on how best to balance your teaching, research, and service activities. Contact us to schedule a meeting.