Lucinda Taylor Lea Learning, Teaching, and Innovative Technologies Center
Meet Our Staff
Dr. Jenn Caputo
Interim Director of Faculty Development
Dr. Caputo is a professor of Exercise Science in the Department of Health and Human Performance. She has been part of the MTSU community since 2000. Twice the recipient of the MTSU Foundation Outstanding Teacher Award and the Public Service Award, Dr. Caputo has extensive experience mentoring faculty and students and interacting with community members. She is the author of several textbook chapters and a founding editor of the peer-reviewed pedagogy journal Educational Practices in Kinesiology.
- 348C Walker Library
- 615-494-7676
Dr. Lando Carter
Interim Director of Teaching Excellence
Dr. Carter is an associate professor in the College of Education. He began serving as LT&ITC Interim Director of Teaching Excellence in the Fall of 2022. Dr. Carter received his Ed.D. from MTSU in 2016 and has taught here since 2015. He has extensive interest and experience in fostering teacher creativity in the classroom. This includes co-authoring a book (Teaching Signature Thinking: Strategies for Unleashing Creativity in the Classroom) with Dr. Kevin Krahenbuhl.
- 348A Walker Library
- 615-898-5930
John Hagan
Graduate Assistant
John devotes 20 hours to the Center every week. The GA duties include maintaining the website, developing online resources, and setting up workshops and events.
- 348 Walker Library
- 615-904-8499